Kamis, 08 April 2010

My Journey

2 April 2010 I went to Sumber Jambe, Jember, exactly in Sumber Pakem. There was an interested Home Industry There, an Batik Artisan. The owner is Mr. Mawardi.  I went there by motor cycle with my friend, Ismail, Arif, Karin, Rizka, and Evi.

WE leave from Jember Muhammadiyah University, our campus. We are member of Pres campus. We went to Sumber Jambe to report Tourist from Nether land who visit that Batik Home Industry.

Before, I had ever went there, but I forgot the way. So, we asked repeatedly to person we met in a way.  Yaaaah…. It was really a bad journey, but very nice for me. Because I could enjoy green views along the street. Field, threes, and grass along the stret make our journey felt fresh. But it was lost much gasoline of my motor cycle because we through the wrong street. “Oh, nut,” I said in my mind.

Arrived. I didn’t realize, but looked around. I remembered. “It is place that I ever visit whit my friends, member of Muhammadiyah Student association.” That place is near my home, Randu Cangkring, Pujer, Bondowoso, East Java. That village just take thirty minutes from my home. It’s stated in boarding town of Jember.

I asked many thing to the employee of Mr. Mawardi, also to his son. I didn’t think that his brother is my friend in NURIS Islamic boarding house. He is Ulul Albab. The son who talked with me is his little brother. Than we talked many thing with him in front of his house.

Really, so difficult for me to report it. Because I had little knowledge of Batik, and I thought that Batik was not interesting for me. Even, I was curious of grave which in a building.

That’s my experience in reporting, whereas it’s not the first reporting  May be it’s because I was not have knowledge of Batik. So, I didn’t know the interesting term of Batik. (By Rugyinsun Al Hafizh)

Chatting in English

1 April 2010, it was rainy this afternoon. It’s not good for me because I couldn’t go any where. It was difficult for me to do my activity.  The rain fall a about two, at noon. It was I typed in RAFACOM to post my summary in my website.

While typed, I was chatting in Face book whit my lecturer of speaking, Mrs. Indri, in English as she had advice. I couldn’t go home because the rain fell heavily. So, i continued my chatting with her. I said her, “Please visit my website.” I need her comment of my grammatical.

At about thirty pas two I heard Adzan. I stopped our chatting. “See you. It’s time to pray Ashar.” But the rain was still falling, so I went in rainy.

It’s better I think to make habit in speaking English. More practice be more fluently in speaking English. Many vocabularies I got. Now, I will try to do more practice English, speaking and writing. (Rugyinsun Al Hafizh)